Tuesday, September 18, 2012

A Lemonade Day

Today was a day for making lemonade out of the lemons of life. It started this morning. We dropped Ava off at school and went to Target to pick up a few things. It was a rough trip - not catastrophic by any means, but I had to move and re-move Jocelyn and Molly several times so they did not hurt each other or damage the things I needed to buy. By the time we got home my nerves were sufficiently fried. Then Molly found a hairdresser set in Jocie's bedroom. Suddenly, the two were friends and played quietly together for a solid 20 minutes. I had time to write a few emails and prepare lunch in peace. Just when I thought the day was taking a turn for the worse, these two surprised me with a friendly, non-arguing playtime.

Then this afternoon was Round 2 of making the best out of a lousy situation. We had a pretty bad wind- and thunderstorm, and it was still raining pretty hard by the time we had to pick up Ava. But Tuesdays we have to leave school as quickly as possible to get Jocelyn to dance class on time, so we did our best to stay dry and get in the car. We buckled up in various states of soaked-ness and drove to the studio. I was pretty stoked that despite the weather we were only running a minute or two late. As I open my car door, however, I see the studio owner who informs me that all afternoon activities for the Alexandria area have been cancelled so he's canceling dance classes as well. I'm just looking at my car full of girls who look forward to dance days more than anything, wondering how I'm going to salvage this day. As I'm standing there I start to talk Miss Victoria and Miss Jenn, one of the girls' teachers, who live in Stafford (a good 45 minutes away in good weather and traffic). They weren't excited about heading back south so soon, so I invited them to hang at our house until traffic died down. They ended up staying a few hours and eating dinner with us. My girls of course had a blast on their improv playdate with Miss Victoria and I enjoyed some adult conversation with Jenn. 

It was a day full of curveballs, but today we were able to make the most of what life threw at us. I go to bed tonight glad that we made the most of our day, and hope that the fates are a little kinder to us tomorrow.

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