Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Molly decided that a 45-minute nap was sufficient this afternoon. I disagreed. Strongly. Molly had fallen asleep in the car on the way home from playgroup, and apparently did not transfer as well to her crib as I had thought. For no sooner had I fed Ava and Jocelyn and sent them to their corners of the house for quiet time, than I hear happy yet very AWAKE babble from my youngest daughter. I was really tired this afternoon, and had been banking on getting at least 20 or 30 minutes to lie down and recharge. When it became obvious Molly was not going to fall back asleep, I set up the baby gate, put some blueberries and Goldfish crackers in a bowl, and brought her downstairs. I thought if she could just entertain herself for a short while, I could lie on the couch and at least semi-recharge. Long story short, it didn't work. However, Molly created a new game: she would eat one blueberry or cracker, then run over to me lying on the couch and give me a big kiss. Molly has never been a big kissing kid, so even one kiss from her is a treat. She must have known giving me kisses would keep her on my good side, because while I was sorely missing my own quiet time, it was pretty special getting so many kisses and grins from my precious daughter.

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