Monday, March 26, 2012

A Spoonful of Sugar...

Today, like everyday for the past few months, Molly had medicine to take. As of this week we are up to three medications taken two times daily: she gets her antibiotic and claritin in the morning, then those two as well as a multivitamin with iron at bedtime. And today, as always, she took every drop like a champ. The child never complains or spits her medicine out - and I know for a FACT that most of it tastes pretty nasty. I can barely stand just the smell of the multivitamin, I can't even begin to imagine how disgusting it tastes. I know most children (my girls included) who at least go through phases where they refuse to have anything to do with medicines they have to take. I am so thankful my easygoing Molly is willing to take her medicine without the proverbial spoonful of sugar - and will even do so with a smile on her face :-)

1 comment:

  1. I must say, this blog is making me quite proud of my godbaby. :)
