Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Today was full of playtime. After dropping Ava off at school this morning we went to our weekly playgroup. We arrived just before 10am, and other than the occasional begging for snacks I didn't see either of my younger children until we had to leave to get Ava from school. I've often said playgroup is more for me than my girls. Sure they have fun playing with their friends, but I rely on that morning each week to talk with other moms and friends. Those conversations with real adults have gotten me through many a hectic week, and I hope that as our kids get older, we continue to have our mom playgroups ;-)

After picking Ava up we went to another playdate with a friend from her class. There was lunch, arts and crafts, a dance party, and playtime outside, all in the span of about an hour-and-a-half. The girls were sufficiently worn out by the time we returned home for the day. It didn't last long, but on days when I know we're going to be together from sun-up to sun-down, it's both fun and necessary to share our day with others who love (and tolerate) us.

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