Thursday, January 10, 2013

Peas in a Pod

Today I went with Jocelyn, Molly, and my dad to buy some new dishes. Our stoneware has begun to chip and crack over the last year so we're down a few items. My parents offered to get us some Corelle place settings for Christmas but wanted to be sure we could pick out what we wanted, so that's what we were doing this morning. Overall it probably took me about 30 to 45 minutes to make a decision and buy a set. The nice thing: I get my hyper-analytical tendencies from my dad, who will take twice as long at the grocery store pricing every single item he is shopping for. Had Ben been with me, he would have been pretty annoyed (and perhaps reasonably so) that I was taking so long weighing my options and picking out which I wanted to purchase. As much as I can even annoy myself with how long it takes me to make a decision, today it was nice to be with someone else who's even worse than me about it. The pressure was off, I was able to take my time, and I came home with new plates I am very excited to wash and use for many years to come.

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