Today started off much how yesterday ended, unfortunately - with me pretty annoyed at the world. I had to argue with my daughters AGAIN this morning about appropriate winter attire. Every morning I try to explain that when it is cold enough to snow, it is too cold for just tights or leggings, since they still go outside for recess in the cold. Ultimately they end up whining if not crying, and I end up yelling at them to get over it and hurry up so as not to be late. Then I discovered that my dishwasher that I could have sworn had been emptied was in fact still full of clean dishes, and the laundry fairy had left me in my laundry basket two full loads to unwrinkle and fold, as well as a third load still in the dryer. All these lovely events transpired less than one hour of getting out of bed.
I made the decision very quickly to forego my errands for the morning and just come home and regroup. I completed my chores and showered in hopes of washing away some of my irritation. It only worked a little. I realized that this was going to be one of those days when I just needed some time to myself. Ben was planning to make a commissary run this evening, but I asked to go instead and take that time for myself.
It did the trick. As I pulled out of our neighborhood I put in my Lifehouse album. I'm surprised the thing still even works - I bought the CD the summer before my senior year in high school, and played it thousands of times. I especially enjoyed listening to it when I had a rough day; the music somehow always had a way of recentering me. Today it worked its magic again. I turned my speakers way up and sang at the top of my lungs to songs I still know by heart. And once I had climbed out of my funk, I wasn't going to let anything - not rude drivers, senseless traffic, or disobedient children - bring me back down. I'm still not my usual cheery self, but I'm happy to say I'm headed in the right direction.
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