Thursday, October 11, 2012

Supermarket Sweep

This morning I went to the commissary with my dad, Jocelyn, and Molly. We were there a little less than an hour. I was able to find everything I needed, and the financial damage was minimal. We may however have psychologically damaged several of the other customers in the store. Being the ever-entertaining grandparent, my dad chose to occupy my daughters by taking the cart they were sitting in and RACING them around the store. He would make the cart go really fast, then stop it suddenly. He always made sure they had plenty of space between them and the other patrons, so in that regard he was very considerate. However, every single time he would speed up my kids would SCREAM in delight. Happy sounds, yes, but still very VERY loud. Oh, and of course Thursday morning seems to be the morning when everyone over the age of 75 wants to go grocery shopping. Needless to say, I got a few less-than-amused looks from people, and I can't imagine how many others were more discreet in their disapproval. I was duly embarrassed, but my dad had fun and the girls had the best time they've ever had at the grocery store. I guess in the end that's worth a few ugly looks.

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