Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Kiss Me Goodnight

Over the years, Ben and I have created for a bedtime routine for our kids. It more or less goes as follows: bath, book, prayers, hugs and kisses, music on, lights out. It's something we've come to go through the motions with, and our kids follow along. What has been great to watch, though, is that as they get older the girls have begun to embrace this routine, and participate in more and more as they grow. Over the past few weeks, we have now evolved the routine. Molly walks into Ava and Jocie's room with whichever parent is putting her to bed. (We'll say it's me, just to makes this explanation easier.) She walks to Ava's bed first, then Jocelyn's, giving them each a hug and kiss. And not a baby hug and kiss - a real, little person embrace and kiss. She gives her Daddy a hug and a kiss as well, then takes my hand, says "Goo-nite!" and walks into her room. I love that it is so important to my kids that they say goodnight to each other and show how they love one another. It is something Ben and I have shown by example, but that can only go so far. These daughters of mine continue to grow closer and closer, and that is a blessing I cannot begin to describe... I can only be truly grateful for it.

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