Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Pack Rat

All three of my kids have had special "lovies" - blankets, dolls, animals, etc. that they cannot live without. Ava had two consistently - her blanket Nini and Doll Doll, a stuffed baby doll. Jocelyn has always needed to sleep with an animal of some kind, but has several that she will choose from depending on the day. Molly, however, has several animals and things in her bed... and wants them ALL in there at all times. This evening she had taken everything out of her crib to play in her room. I had thought, great! Now we can only put a couple things back and she might actually have room to sleep. Alas, as I was going to put her to bed, she one by one picked up every single item that "belongs" in her bed and returned them to their rightful place. The funniest part was that if any arm or tail was sticking out between the rails of the crib, she would pick the toy back up and push it toward the middle so every stitch was safely inside the crib. I really don't understand how the kid sleeps comfortably with so many bedmates, but she manages (and is pretty darn cute doing it).

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