Saturday, October 6, 2012

After Hours Entertainment

Tonight Jocelyn and Molly were treated to an extra late bedtime. Ava is at a sleepover, and Ben and I were watching a VERY good Texas A&M football game. Halftime was set to occur around 8:45pm, maybe 20-30 minutes later than the girls usually go to bed, but they were quiet and behaving themselves so we decided to indulge a bit. It seems we almost waited too long to put them down, however, because by the time both girls were getting into bed they had begun to hit a bit of a second wind. We knew they were tired, but they were in a bit of denial. They went down well enough - we said prayers, gave kisses, and returned downstairs to our game. But a few minutes later, it started: first there was quiet talking, then some babbling, then fairly loud singing. Each girl was in her own room, but they were not quite ready to crash so they were monologuing themselves to sleep. It was very seriously almost 9:15 before all was quiet upstairs. I have many wonderful memories watching Aggie football, but tonight, watching A&M trudge through and beat the hell outta Ole Miss while listening to my children happily talking themselves to sleep may be my most favorite memory yet.

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