Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Craft Time

On the last day before Thanksgiving Break, Jocelyn's teacher sent each family home with a construction paper Christmas tree. Our homework was to decorate the tree and return it on Monday so they could begin decorating their classroom with their family-decorated trees. Of course, between being sick and the normal craziness of a holiday weekend, and I completely forgot about it until late Sunday night. So after apologizing to her teacher and promising we would return the tree all decked out tomorrow, Jocelyn and I sat down this afternoon to decorate her tree.

It was a really nice, quiet activity to share with my middle child. She picked out the beads and pom poms and where they should be glued on the tree, and I provided the glue and helped with the sticking things on. The tree turned out very cute, but sharing our little craft time is what I cherish much more. I realized that Jocelyn and I do not get to do very much one-on-one. It was so great to talk to her, listen to what she wanted to share with me. I was sort of glad in the end that we did our tree late - it gave me the chance to enjoy some individual time with one of my three favorite little people in the world.

Jocelyn showing off her finished product 

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