This morning I needed to make my usual commissary run. It wasn't until the middle of the night last night that I realized that may not even be possible, thanks to the most recent government shutdown. Fortunately, I discovered this morning that the commissary would in fact be open today. Unfortunately, it was made clear that they would only be open today in hopes of selling as much of their perishables as possible before closing tomorrow for the remainder of the shutdown. So now not only would I be going to the commissary on a pay day (another fact which I had overlooked until this morning) but I would be battling with the hoards of people scrambling to shop at the commissary for what may be quite a while.
Turned out that, at least at my commissary, the crazy shoppers decided to sleep in and arrive later. I got to the store at 9:30 and left by 10:45, only having spent 20 minutes waiting to check out - not wonderful but certainly not the longest I've waited either. There was still plenty of produce, meat, and dairy products so I was able to get everything on my list with no problems. I'm no good at bulk shopping so I only have enough food for the next week, but it was a far better shopping experience than I had anticipated. I had braced myself for the worst and come out pleasantly surprised and the non-tramatic trip. Sometimes it's about the little things, and today my day was made brighter by not having to survive an unbearable grocery shopping trip.
Dave went in for his scheduled language training this morning only to discover that there were no teachers. We're also having to cannibalize old uniform blouses for the nametape in order to meet the new regs just in case the uniform shops are shut down. Not catastrophic, but certainly inconvenient. :P