It seems that while last night was Jocelyn's bad night, tonight it was Ava's turn to struggle a bit. Between getting mad at anyone who uttered a single word while she was trying to watch a movie in our LIVING ROOM, whining and fighting me on every response I gave her that wasn't exactly what she wanted to hear, and finally breaking the cardinal rule and sucking her thumb, it was not a great night to be Ava.
Ever the Giver, God provided me with a healthy dose of comic relief throughout the evening. Molly had managed to spill applesauce all over her shirt at dinner this evening; add to that our continuing potty training, and Molly spent the hour-and-a-half or so between dinner and bedtime without a stitch of clothing on. She played with her toys, danced with Jocelyn, and ran all over the house grinning ridiculously. As tough and stressful as dealing with Ava was, it was pretty hard to be upset with my naked two-year-old grinning at me like a loon and hugging me tightly. My night wasn't easy, but I'll take the good and try my best to forget all about the bad.
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