Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Momma's Helper

This evening was rough. To be fair, the girls were really good most of the day. Molly didn't nap and we had one of our long evenings at the dance studio, and they handled all that well. But as soon as we got home everyone seemed to lose their minds. I was especially struggling with Jocelyn, to the point that as soon as the girls got out of the bath I was putting Jocie straight to bed. The kink in this plan: there are two other children I need to care for. I dug out a simple board book and handed it to Ava, asking her to read it to Molly while I put Jocie to bed. When I returned to Molly's room a few minutes later, I walked in to find Ava and Molly sharing the rocker looking at a book and naming the animals on each page. Apparently Ava had read not one but two books to Molly and was now keeping her occupied with the animals. I try very hard not to ask my children to do my job of taking care of their siblings, but tonight I was very grateful that Ava is both old enough to read to her sister and caring enough to do so happily.

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