Monday, December 17, 2012

Silent Night (or Afternoon)

Today was a crazy day. It was Jocelyn's last day of preschool before winter break, so I spent the morning scrambling around trying to do as much of the shopping I can't do with her there as possible. By the time we had picked her up, Molly decided she couldn't stay awake another minute, and despite me tickling her bare feet she passed out on the car ride home. I put her in bed, and turned on A Charlie Brown Christmas for Jocelyn to watch during her quiet time. I heard it end, but Jocelyn didn't come up the stairs. I peeked down to the basement to find her fast asleep on the couch. Both girls slept for a solid TWO HOURS. Ava was playing down the street at my neighbor's house, so for that entire time there was literally not a sound to be heard in my house. I checked and wrote emails and completed about 3/4 of my Christmas cards. I can every now and then get that kind of silent house at the end of the day, but never in the middle. It was incredibly peaceful, knowing my babies were sleeping soundly while I was quietly being productive. It was a very unexpected and wonderful few hours in the middle of an otherwise hectic day.

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