Thursday, December 13, 2012

An Unexpected Guest

Thursdays are typically our quiet days. There are no dance classes, school commitments, or other obligations that take us away from our house. It is a day to relax, recover somewhat from the week we've had, and gather some energy before the weekend ahead. Tonight, we celebrated our Thursday by having a "picnic" dinner in the living room. Jocelyn had been feeling under the weather most of the day and wanted to stay on the couch, so it just sounded like fun for all of us to have dinner together.

Ava and Molly on the picnic blanket (aka beach towel)

Jocie from her perch on the couch

As if this wasn't enough fun, one of the girls suggested we watch a movie. It was only 6pm, so I gave the girls an early bath, and we all changed into pajamas so the girls could watch their movie before bedtime while I got some chores done in comfort.

It was in the middle of folding laundry and talking to my mom on the phone that I heard my doorbell. I thought, Of course someone would come knocking on my door when I have my pj's on at 7pm, why not? So I headed to the door to find our old realtor and friend Trey standing on my doorstep. I don't know that we've actually seen Trey since we closed on our house last year. I've spoken to him on occasion, but the minute I saw he was standing there I got off the phone and gave him a huge hug. Trey was such a big part in one of the most exciting and important times in our lives - buying our first house - that it was weird seeing him so often and then not at all. That's the way it works with realty of course, but to see him tonight was such a treat. He was delivering Christmas goodies, and we got to chat for just a minute or two, but it was a great surprise on an otherwise quiet night. And while I'm still slightly mortified to have been seen in my old college t-shirt and plaid pj pants, I'll take that bad with the good of catching up with an old friend.

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