Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Goldfish and Thank Yous

This morning, as often happens on mornings when both Ava and Jocelyn go to school, Molly and I spent our time out and about running errands. I admit, while there are things I really have to go out and do, sometimes it's just nice to go into a store with only one kid. I enjoy these less stressful store trips. Anyway, we finished up a little early, and so were back at the preschool about 20 minutes before dismissal. I had half a single-serving box of Goldfish sitting in the cup holder, so I got Molly out of her car seat, sat her in my driver's seat, and set the box of Goldfish down in front of her. A few minutes into eating, she handed me a Goldfish to eat - well, by "handed" I really mean she tried to shove the fish into my mouth. But I ate it, and said and signed "thank you" to her afterwards. For whatever reason she found this very funny, and we then spent the next ten minutes as follows: I would sign and ask for "more fish," she would grab two or three Goldfish and shove them in my mouth, I would say and sign "thank you," and then she would blow me a kiss. (In case you don't know, the sign for "thank you" looks a lot like blowing a kiss.) It was a cute, quiet little game that passed the time. I greatly enjoyed my little teaching moment with Molly, and even getting some love from her as a bonus.

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