Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Today was a doozy - we should have had a reality show, cuz we would have been some good entertainment for someone. Naps were skipped or cut short, shoves and slaps were thrown around (by the girls), MUCH crying was had... I honestly wasn't sure what condition everyone would be in by bedtime. We had dinner at a local pizza place, just me and the girls (Ben had to work late). It was the same mayhem as had been at home, with the older two barely sitting still and Molly deciding her pizza wasn't filling enough and going after my finger instead. As we were sitting there, however, I realized that all three girls were having a great time. They were laughing together and loving life. My sanity may have been tested today, but somehow we all survived. I can only hope that tomorrow brings a little less excitement and a LOT more sleep.

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