Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Papa's Here!!!

The three exclamation marks in the title don't even begin to describe the level of excitement in my house due to a visit from my dad, "Papa" to the girls. Ava has been talking about getting orange slices (the candy kind) from him for days, and Jocelyn left playgroup peacefully because she knew we were leaving to get Ava and then Papa. Molly of course didn't understand beforehand, but within seconds of seeing Papa approach the car she could barely be contained by her car seat, she was so excited to see him. There was ridiculous levels of squealing and giggling in my house this afternoon - it's a wonder all of our eardrums are still intact! I've discovered Jocelyn has a gut laugh saved solely for when Papa comes - she laughs harder than at any other time when he's here. I was hoping to get a picture or two of the shenanigans, but no one would stay still long enough! The girls were sufficiently worn out by the end of the night, but I know they will be up first thing in the morning in search of more fun play time with Papa. I wish the girls could see their grandparents more often, but what these visits lack in quantity they certainly make up for in quality.

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