Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Night of Silence

The past few nights have been rough for Jocelyn. All of a sudden, she was getting out of bed numerous times (as described in my post a few days ago) and the past 4 nights in a row she has not fallen asleep until after 9pm, sometimes even closer to 10pm. As a result, I began rethinking her napping. It was so hard for me, because she actually does not fight taking a nap, and will typically sleep for 1 to 2 hours in the afternoon. But yesterday I decided something had to change, so I tried cutting her nap off at only an hour - no luck. So today we went without any nap at all. There was quiet time, of course - she watched a movie while (mostly) resting on the couch and giving me my alone-time. It was not great, and I was still bitter about having to keep her from napping. But I realized at 8:30 this evening that I had not heard a peep out of Jocie since putting her down 30 minutes earlier. She actually stayed in her bed and went to sleep!! It is only the first night of this new routine, so I will not get my hopes up too high that this will be the new norm, but for now I am grateful for tonight's peaceful sendoff to sleep. Taking away the nap is painful for me, but an easier transition to bed at night will definitely be worth it in the end.

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