Saturday, February 25, 2012


As weird as it sounds, much of today was spent being grateful for yesterday. You know how I said my kids were absolutely wonderful all day yesterday? Yeah, well today... not so much. Today was the day I expected to have yesterday - children pushing buttons of mine I didn't even know existed; Ava throwing attitude any teenager would envy; Jocelyn exercising her lung capacity by screaming at the top of her lungs; and Molly finding a way to get into every possible thing she KNOWS she's not allowed in. I will admit in full disclosure that I did have to yell at my kids two or three times today. However, I am proud to say it was not yelling out of anger or frustration. Don't get me wrong, I was plenty angry and frustrated, but that was not the cause of the yelling. I simply had to raise my voice as the only means of getting my children's attention. THAT is how far gone they got at times. Jocelyn took no nap, and Molly only slept for a total of 1 hour all day. Needless to say, I was very ready for bedtime to come so I could enjoy at least a few minutes of silence. The one thought that got me through the day was this: the girls were SO good yesterday, they were SO good yesterday. I was very grateful that they gifted me with an extraordinary day yesterday to help me get through today. I remember the saying you never know how good the good is unless you have less than good to compare it to. Well today I had me some major less-than-good, but was able to handle it thanks to a few fond memories of yesterday, and a prayer or two that we will have a much better tomorrow.

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