Friday, February 24, 2012

A Plan-B Day

I was a little nervous about how today was going to turn out. We had a pretty rough start to it, beginning at 2am when I was up with Ava for over an hour. She threw up in her bed not once but TWICE. And not just a little, or in one spot. I'm pretty sure she was lying on her back both times, as she had vomit on her front AND back, including her hair. Two showers and bed linen changes later, the rest of the night's sleep was pretty well shot. My Momma-hearing perked up at every cough or sound coming from the girls' bedrooms. 7am reared its ugly head and I wasn't sure how we were going to make it through the day in one piece.

So we quickly settled into what I would call a "survival" day. There was no objective other than for all four of us to make it through the day intact. Ava stayed home from school and dance, so literally the only time I went outside my house was to retrieve the garbage and recycling bins from the end of the driveway. That being said, the day really was a very good one. Ava spent the day in our downstairs den watching movies and staying hydrated. It didn't take long for her appetite to return, but we played it safe with toast, applesauce, and mashed potatoes. My healthy girls had a nice day too. Jocelyn spent much of her time coloring and practicing letters and numbers on Ava's Leapster. (I'm not sure how much she understands, but I'd bet she's picking a thing or two up along the way.) Molly played with her toys and "helped" me fold the extra loads of laundry I had from last night's fiasco. All three girls took LONG naps, but went down for the night peacefully and without (much) fuss.

We did not play by many of our usual rules today. There was at least one TV on almost all day long. Ava ate and drank downstairs on the couch. Dinner was boxed Mac and Cheese for those of us not on the "BRAT diet." But as I sat down after the girls had gone to bed, I could not recall any tough moments. Usually a day indoors together means major cabin fever and driving each other up the walls. Today it seemed everyone understood that we were doing what needed to be done to make it through the day, no more and no less. I am so thankful that my girls and I were all on the same page today, and could make this unplanned day in a nice one.

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