Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Many Minis

Today was one of those days with many small moments that made me smile.

Molly has finally "graduated" to the Pebbles Flinstone hairstyle. Recently I've been whining about Molly's hair growing into a semi-mullet, with the back of her hair getting long much faster than the top. While I will readily admit her hair looks totally RIDICULOUS, the fact that I could get her hair on top into a little ponytail gives me hope that her hair will grow in evenly soon.

My Monkeys: we were at Old Navy this morning, and I had told the girls we could get a special treat if they behaved (which they did). We were all set to bring home a few glittery soccer balls, but as we approached the front counter to check out Jocelyn spotted these stuffed monkeys. For some reason both Jocelyn and Molly have a strange monkey obsession these days, and so both immediately wanted them. Although we needed more stuffed animals like an extra hole in the head, I gave in and let them put back the soccer balls and bring home the monkeys. Both girls held onto their new furry friends the rest of the day and are sleeping with them tonight. I guess it really was $5 well spent.

Molly was eating yogurt for lunch, and asked for help. When I went to help her, however, she pushed me away, and said "Ah-ya (Ava), help!" Since it doesn't take much to convince Ava to help her little sisters, Ava jumped up and spoon-fed Molly the rest of her yogurt. I don't remember the last time Molly finished off an entire yogurt, but today she polished it off. Ava looked at me at one point and said, "Mom, I'm such a good big sister." Yes you are, dear. Yes you are.

Tonight we had dinner with the Halls. Bob and Ben were both working late, so we decided to do breakfast for dinner: pancakes, and as a special treat strawberry topping and whipped cream. Honest to goodness, I think Jocelyn told every person she saw all day that she was going to be having pancakes with whipped cream for dinner tonight - she was that excited. Of course, Jocelyn turned out to be the only one who even liked the strawberry and whipped cream, but I'm convinced we'll win over the others eventually. It was a delicious dinner with fantastic company - a great ending to a pretty terrific day.

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