Saturday, July 7, 2012

Beating the Heat

A few days ago we planned a pool playdate for today with our friends the Gilsons. Last night I got an email from one of my friends asking if we still planned to go, since there was a heat advisory for our area that covered almost the entire day. I started to wonder if we should reschedule, and what we should do to occupy the kids today.

Then I remembered: I'm from Texas. We don't have heat advisories, we just have summers. The high today in DC was 104, with a heat index of 110. That was the high for the entire month of July growing up. So I snapped out of my peer-induced worrying and got ready to have some fun at the pool. I mean, what better way to beat the heat? It worked out perfectly - I had the girls rehydrate every hour when there was break time/adult swim, we had pizza delivered for dinner, and spend a solid 3 hours staying cool on this crazy-hot day. It took almost that entire time for the girls to warm up to the pool, but by the end of the day Molly was willing to get in the water, Jocelyn was dunking her head in the pool, and Ava was cruising the deep end (aka the end where she couldn't stand) with her friends. It was a fun time, and one I hope to repeat many times over the hot summer months.

Molly spent the first 2 hours on the side of the pool, too afraid to get in

dinner break

wait, you wanted me to take bites?

Jocelyn insisted on wearing the goggles the whole time she was in the water, but only actually put her head under the last 20 minutes we were there

the big girls in the "deep" (4 ft) end

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