Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Today was just that - a good day. There were hiccups and bumps along the way. No day can be perfect. But after a rough last week or so I end my day more content than I have felt in a while.

I started by helping out with celebrations for the 100th day of school in Ava's classroom. I'll admit, I've been pretty skeptical about this whole celebrating 100 days in school. I mean really, do we not have enough random celebrations throughout the year? But Ava's teacher did a phenomenal job making all the lessons of the day focused on the number 100. The projects I helped with were: making a face of what the kids would look like when they are 100 years old, then writing something about what they would be like when they were 100 (Ava said she would use a cane); handing out a special snack for each child - 1 Vienna Finger cookie and 2 Oreos so they could make the number 100 with their snack; and prepping for a scavenger hunt in which the kids searched for 100 Hershey Kisses hidden all over the classroom. The kids were having a great time, but I saw them learning so much at the same time. I was so glad to get to share some special time with Ava in her class with her and her friends.

Then this evening we went to Ash Wednesday services with our friends the Foleys. I thought we were just attending a Liturgy of the Word service, but it turned out to be an entire Mass. The kids were pretty done by the end, but as I said to Ben we didn't have to remove any of them from the congregation so I considered it a successful experience. As we were leaving a woman came up and complimented both Amanda and I on how well the girls all did. It was so nice of her to take the time to say that to us - every time someone does that it just makes my day. I keep telling myself that when I get older and don't have my own circus to wrangle I am going to be sure to tell other young and probably overwhelmed moms that they are doing a great job.

Finally after Mass we had a very late and rushed dinner. Every bite of spaghetti, salad, and broccoli that was cooked was inhaled. The girls were kind of a mess from having sat in Mass so quietly and just being tired in general. But the adults still managed to have some quality conversation. We are so blessed to have such wonderful friends who love us and support us. I am thankful today for all the good; it was a nice day, exactly what my struggling soul needed.

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