Thursday, August 15, 2013

The Power of Forgiveness

Most of the time I find my daily blessing in a fun or happy moment of the day. Every now and then, however, blessings are found in life's tough lessons. Today was one of those days. I am again choosing not to share too much - there are still a few things in life I keep to myself. But today I got a fresh perspective on forgiveness, particularly in self forgiveness. I have always said I am an 83-year-old trapped in a young adult's body. I am incredibly boring and play it safe always; I've done very little that I would regret or be ashamed of. And yet I have carried indescribable guilt for something for years. I think I have always considered the guilt as just punishment for something I can never take back. Tonight someone suggested to me that I should ask forgiveness of myself. That while I in fact cannot take back what I did, that it was a long time ago and the only one left suffering is me. Not only that, but my punishing myself isn't helping anyone but constantly hurting me. It was a perspective I had not considered before. I ask forgiveness from God and others all the time, and would be hurt and even insulted to be denied that mercy. Why should I not expect the same from myself? Holding on to this guilt has accomplished nothing. There is such freedom and joy in forgiveness. I am grateful for the idea that I give myself permission to forgive myself. It will not be an easy process, but I am excited to begin the process to making myself a little more whole again.

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