Sunday, August 11, 2013

A Little More Time

At the beginning of July our parish changed its Mass schedule. Now, the Mass we attend starts at 9:30am as opposed to 9am as it did before. I don't know why exactly this change was made, but it has been SUCH a nice change for me. To get my entire family up, dressed, fed, and out of the door in one piece by 8:35am was a real challenge, and I usually spent my ride to the church trying to calm down from the yelling and arguing I had to do to get my family out on time. Now, doing all of that by 9:05am is a total breeze - I can get the kids ready and still have plenty of time to take a shower and get ready myself. It is a much more pleasant way to start the day in general, but especially when I am on my way to connect with God and my Catholic community.

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