Friday, August 2, 2013

Sleepovers All Around

Tonight Ava is having one of our neighbors, also named Ava, over to spend the night with us. (It's not as confusing as it sounds, actually.) They have been so cute - the first thing they did when the "other Ava" got here was to make a list of what they wanted to do during their evening together. While they were slightly disappointed they wouldn't get to watch all FOUR movies they had agreed on, they have thoroughly enjoyed every moment of their night together.

What has been equally cute were my other two daughters. I decided that it would work out best if the two Avas had Ava and Jocie's room to themselves while Jocelyn have her own sleepover with Molly in her room. We brought up our extra toddler bed mattress to lie on Molly's floor and had the younger two ready to go. I have to admit, I was a little skeptical at how well this arrangement would work. I joked earlier that I wondered which room would be asleep first. But the girls were great - they were excited, but once I left the room they were totally quiet.

I always feel the true test of a sleepover is how everyone feels in the morning. But for tonight I am blessed to have four happy little girls - two are already sleeping soundly and the other two soon will be.

the little girls' sleepover

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