Saturday, July 6, 2013

Family Gathering

This afternoon we hosted a few extra guests to visit with our Texas guests. Carol's sister Cathy and her family came up from Richmond and down from Columbia, MD to spend the evening with us. Add a few of Bev's friends, and in total we had 15 humans and 2 dogs hanging out at our house. It was loud, crazy, and an absolute blast. Even though we don't live very far it's not too often we get to see Ben's aunt and uncle, so it was great to have an excuse to drag them up here and spend some time with us. I hope it's not another two years before we have another gathering like this.


  1. Awesome picture!! I like Jocie's face the best!! :)

    1. The child was not smiling in a SINGLE picture! At least she's not scowling in this one ;)
