Monday, July 8, 2013

Movie Night

Tonight was our last night with our out-of-town guests. We had a pretty quiet day, and decided to end it watching the movie Brave. The funniest part of this was that it was Jocelyn's suggestion to watch this particular movie, even though every time we finish watching Brave Jocelyn swears she never wants to watch it again. (The final scene is pretty intense and stresses her out.) It was a great end to a terrific visit. This was by far the best visit we have had with Ben's family. The others weren't bad - this one was simply the most fun. It was a great balance of going out exploring and doing things and relaxing while enjoying each other's company. I hope our guests had half as much fun as we did. It has been a wonderful five days, and while we will be sad to see everyone head off to the airport in the morning, we know it's not good-bye but until we meet again.

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