Sunday, March 10, 2013

Fun Day with Friends

My daughters and I get along about 98% of the time. But after a snow day mid-week and a pretty quiet day yesterday... well, we are just pretty sick of each other. Where absence makes the heart grow fonder, being around each other constantly makes the nerves wear thin. So it worked out well that the second half of our day was spent at other people's houses. After lunch we headed to Stafford for another unoffcial dance practice with Victoria, Veronica, and Riley at the big girls' house. Then we migrated to Riley's house for dinner and more playtime. As soon as we entered a house my children vanished to play with their friends, leaving me to relax and talk with the grown ups. We all appreciated the change of scenery and spending the afternoon with friends. And the best part: everyone was sufficiently worn out and fell asleep with no problems at the end of the day. A true sign of a successful day.

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