Sunday, January 22, 2012

Walk, Baby, Walk!!

Today Molly was the bright spot of my day. She has been standing for months. She can squat down and stand back up again without losing her balance. The child has been physically ready to walk - but has had absolutely NO desire to do so. This week she finally took the leap... and after the first day was walking more than she was crawling. I don't remember there being such a stark transition with Ava or Jocelyn. They would take 4 or 5 steps at a time for a few days, then gradually go further and further as they became more comfortable. Not my youngest. She has discovered walking really is more efficient and is not going back to crawling if she can help it. I love her so much, and seeing her sideways, awkward stepping brings such a smile to my face.

(I apologize that the video is sideways, my software is not letting me rotate it)

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