Monday, January 16, 2012


Today seemed a good mix of things. We started out the day with a family outing to a store that sells outdoor equipment (like playgrounds and trampolines) and has a free playtime twice a week for the kids to run around and play on the various playsets. It was absolute CHAOS - over 100 kids running between 10 or 11 playground set-ups and 3 trampolines. We met a few of Ava's classmates there and had lunch afterward. Then we spent the afternoon resting (aka recovering) and hanging out quietly around the house. At one point I looked around, and everyone was in a different area of the house - Ava playing in her room, Jocelyn playing Barbies in one area of the living room while Molly played with some of her toys in another area, and Ben tending to the fireplace. (I was folding laundry and watching a little TV here and there.) I know that had we not left the house this morning we would have all been in each other's space going nuts by the afternoon, but the balance of an outing and chilling at home made for a very pleasant day for our family.


  1. Right now the silence can be deafening, but I'm trying to remind myself that after we've managed to acquire a few kids from someplace sometime in the future, I'll look back on this quieter time as much less stressful. :)

    1. Wow... I was totally floored to read this. Thank you so much for your honesty and perspective. This is one of the big reasons I have started this blog - even on days when there is more exhaustion and frustration than elation, I hope to remember that I am truly blessed in so many ways. Thank you for reminding me of that yet again tonight. And I am sure your time is coming when a (very very small) part of you will miss the silence and calm, too ;)
